The UK government has announced £8.5 million of funding to help tackle modern slavery, which will provide over 50 extra analysts, specialists and investigators to assist police in investigations to improve intelligence. This followed the first annual report of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner earlier this month which highlighted that failures by police to record slavery as … Continue Reading
Our colleagues at the Employment Law Worldview Blog have posted a piece reminding businesses that the deadline for publishing their first “slavery and human trafficking statement” is fast approaching. Commercial organizations that fall under the Modern Slavery Act must disclose what activities they have undertaken to eliminate slavery and human trafficking from their business and their … Continue Reading
As supply chain and procurement professionals are well aware, the past five years have seen a dramatic increase in supply chain transparency laws and regulations. Motivated largely by a desire to provide consumers with more information about corporate operations, these laws require manufacturers and retailers to know more than ever about what goes on at … Continue Reading
The new obligation on commercial organisations over a certain size to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement has come into force today. There will, however, be transitional provisions to allow affected businesses sufficient time to understand the new requirements and produce a statement. Businesses with a year-end date on or after 31 March 2016 … Continue Reading
Last week, David Whincup, Head of our London Employment practice, wrote a post in the Employment Law Worldview Blog about the draft of the statutory guidance for the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. My word, you think, if this is the seventh draft, what on earth must versions one to six have been like? Following … Continue Reading
We have posted before on the newly-enacted UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (see here and here). We were honored recently to be interviewed by Compliance Week concerning compliance with this new law. As the article notes, we are all still awaiting further guidance, anticipated this month, regarding what companies need to do to comply. One point … Continue Reading
Our colleagues at the Employment Law Worldview Blog have put together a helpful guide of 10 key points on the new requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. The guide provides an excellent breakdown of important points such as how businesses will be affected by the new disclosure obligation and what steps businesses should be taking … Continue Reading
In previous posts, we’ve talked about emerging legislation designed to increase visibility and transparency in supply chains to bring about desirable social ends. We’ve discussed, for instance, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the UK Modern Slavery Act, both of which require companies to disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery from their supply … Continue Reading
Bonded labor. Indentured servitude. Human trafficking. These are terms for modern slavery, essentially obtaining or holding another person in compelled service. The UN’s International Labour Organization estimates that 21 million people are enslaved around the world, generating approximately $150 billion a year in profits. Earlier this year as part of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention … Continue Reading