Tag Archives: Cross-post

Cross-Post: DOJ Updates Guidance for Corporate Compliance Programs

This week, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced an update to its 2017 guidance on how the DOJ will evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s corporate compliance program. The updated compliance guideline (Updated Guidance) is twice the length of the original and utilizes a more instructive approach, serving as a roadmap to prosecutors, and … Continue Reading

US and EU Release Preliminary Tariff Lists Amid WTO Aircraft Subsidies Disputes

As a tactic in the ongoing civilian aircraft subsidies dispute between the US and the EU at the World Trade Organization, the US government has proposed a preliminary list to tax about US$11 billion worth of products exported to the US from the EU.  The product list includes two sections, one focusing specifically on products … Continue Reading

Brexit: Deal or “No Deal”? Preparing for a “No Deal” Brexit

Our colleagues Matthew Lewis, Matthew Kirk, and Robert MacLean have prepared another in-depth analysis of the current status of Brexit.  You can read and download the full update here. The range of options, and timescales, days after the UK should have left the EU, remains as wide as ever. We are still some way from knowing what future trading relationships will look like. … Continue Reading

Cross-Post from the frESH Blog – Latest News and Perspectives on California Prop 65

Under California’s Proposition 65 (Prop 65), any business with 10 or more employees that manufactures, sells, or distributes any consumer product containing a listed substance in California – directly or indirectly – must label the product with a clear and reasonable warning.  As such, understanding and complying with Prop 65, including the new regulations that became effective on August 30, … Continue Reading

Cross-post from the frESH Blog – Food Labeling Issues and Trends: Lessons from Recent Allergen Recalls

Our colleague, Nicola Smith, recently published an article covering “Food Labeling Issues and Trends in Europe: Lessons for US and European Practitioners from Recent Allergen Recalls”, which is now available for download here.  Click below to read more about further examples of recalls due to safety or allergen information.  The continuing trend of recalls for allergens and … Continue Reading

Cross-post from the frESH Blog – Brexit: will there be a potential supply chain disruption for the chemicals sector?

Squire Patton Boggs attorney Anita Lloyd provided details to The UK in a Changing Europe about the potential effects of Brexit on chemical regulation.  Due to the way that REACH works on a whole supply-chain basis, when the UK leaves the EU, there could be significant disruption to cross-border supply chains and the many billions of pounds’ … Continue Reading

Cross-post from Conflict Minerals Law Blog: Conflict Minerals Report No Longer Required? Wait — Not So Fast

Now that the matter has been remanded to the Commission, Acting Chairman Piwowar and the SEC Division of Corporation Finance have both issued public statements on the D.C. Court of Appeals decision reaffirming its prior holding that the Conflict Minerals rule “violate[s] the First Amendment to the extent the statute and rule require regulated entities to … Continue Reading

Cross-post from Conflict Minerals Law Blog: European Conflict Minerals Regulation — Details On What EU Importers Must Do

We’ve published another update on conflict minerals rules, this time regarding the EU regulation.  Click below to read about the proposed EU conflict minerals regulation, some similarities it has with the US rule, and importantly what EU importers need to know to comply with its requirements. European Conflict Minerals Regulation — Details On What EU … Continue Reading